I do not think of myself as "Liberal" or "Conservative" although my views encompass some features of both extremes. Like most Americans, I am somewhat middle-of the road. And as such, one tends to be called names by both extremes. But such extremism is the problem in this country today, not the solution.
Let's first take a look at Wacky Liberalism, or as some Wacky Conservatives call it, "Moonbat Liberalism". Being Liberal is fine and all, and the word "Liberal" is not a dirty word. But some people take a good thing too far.
What are the hallmarks of Wacky Liberalism? Here's a few:
1. Embracing Communism and other failed ideologies that even a 3-year-old can see the holes in.
2. Feeling sorry for people and thinking that the Government should help them out.
3. Feeling morally superior to others because of your political views, enhanced cultural sensitivity, or because you feel sorry for others.
4. Feeling sorry for minorities because you secretly believe, deep down, that they can't help themselves - which is really, really racist, if you think about it.
5. Blaming all of your personal woes on politics or "big business".
6. Looking to the Government as the solution to all problems.
7. Belief in the idea that it is the Government's job to take away money from people, in the form of taxes, and then redistribute it to "those in need".
8. A complete lack of understanding as to how dependency breeds more dependency - and resentment from those who are dependent to their benefactors.
I suppose I could go on - but you get the point. Being liberal is one thing, but thinking that you can pass a law that makes everyone rich is another. Wacky liberalism is characterized by a complete suspension of disbelief - and the idea than anything can be done just by willing it to be so.
And Wacky liberalism is also characterized by the victim mentality - that people are largely victims of outside forces (and never their own malfeasance) and thus need to be "protected" and subsidized.
And Wacky liberalism is characterized by one more thing - a complete intolerance for any other viewpoint. If you try to hold a discussion with a wacky liberal, it is a one-sided discussion. Everyone agrees on everything, in their world view, except for a few "Evil Greedy Republicans" who just want to rape the earth. And if you don't agree with them 100%, well, you are the enemy.
Thus, Presidents like Bill Clinton and Barack Ombama are derided as "too conservative" by the wacky left, and often the wacky left ends up derailing the agenda of Democratic administrations by holding out for "my way or the highway".
And both Clinton and Obama made good use of mid-term election "losses" to rally the faithful and get them to realize that a compromise was not such a bad thing - compared to the alternative.
And of course, wacky liberals are politcal junkies - people who obsess about politics all the time, to the detriment of their personal lives. And ironically, many of them don't vote or donate money to candidates. Or if they do, they support fringe candidates that have no chance of ever winning, rather than support a moderate Democrat who, with some small additional support, might win.
And that is the nub of the wacky liberal - they would rather see Republicans win, if they can't have their Communist candidate win. To them, there is no "difference" between Republicans and Democrats, so why bother?
Wacky liberals annoy the piss out of me.
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